Great British Gardens

“We feature gardens to visit in England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland. Over the last year we have had around 1 million visitors from almost every continent in the world. With over 500 properties on our guide and more applying to join, we have maintained our place as a leading resource for garden lovers”.

- Great British Gardens CEO


‘Great British Gardens’ is an independent collective of privately owned homes and estates throughout England choosing to open their grounds to the public during certain seasons. Their comprehensive directory of gardens ranges from the far north of Scotland to the Isle of Wight and covers gardens both intimate and vast. G.B.G requested a quintessentially British feel to their branding that would incorporate the natural beauty and aesthetic of the gardens themselves.

Consequently, this beautiful fusion became the organic crown, evoking the symbol universally associated with the Royal Family crest and the British Government combined with the quintessential English Rose and oak tree as a unifying, recognisable and identifiable logo, which continues to flow through the mobile signage and way-finding system.

Deliverables: Branding, wayfinding, iconography
Application: Live


